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What is BRICS and how does it affect the US Dollar"


Money isn’t everything… but it ranks right up there with oxygen. - Rita Davenport

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman
Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman

Oil has been at the core of US power and stability. Not only has the Biden administration cut back on the amount of oil we produce but Biden's and Barack Obama's war on oil, coal, and natural gas has cut the legs out from under our economy. Instead of being an exporting country, we are now an importing country searching for someone to sell us oil. Did I mention that Biden pissed off The Saudi crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman? Why would they want to sell us oil?

The world has been trading in the US dollar. By doing so the dollar has proven to be strong, stable, and worth more than other currencies. As our economy continues to sag, lose value and companies lay off workers, some companies go out of business, and the dollar becomes worth less. Not only do Americans see that their money is worth less, 20% - 25% less than just a few short years ago, but other countries see that their money is worth less.

BRICS is an acronym that identifies Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa who gathered to decide if they could switch currency to a more stable format. Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates, about 30% of the global economy are planning on using their currency to purchase oil and other goods due to uncertainty in the US economy. What if they make the Chinese yuan the world's standard currency?

So what does that mean to us? How about this illustration? Let's say you deposit your money in the bank as usual but when you go to draw it out it is only worth half of the value you deposited. Another way to put it is to say when you go to spend your money, the seller wants 25% - 50% more cash than he did before. "The Hell," you say. Where is my money? The Fed has devalued your money. I'm sorry pal, while you were blaming fossil fuels, canceling coal, and raising the minimum wage, businesses could not stay afloat and make a profit so they threw in the towel and went out of business causing many to to lose jobs, their homes, and the value of their money. This is like throwing a stone in the water. It makes ripples as it affects everyone in the sphere.

"Imagine a world where half of global transactions occur in the

100 yuan banknote
100 yuan banknote

BRICS currency. The consequences could be dire for the US: a weakened dollar, soaring costs of imports, stock market crashes, and a fragile economy. Everyday items we import could become unaffordable, severely impacting your purchasing power." 1

When I was a kid, you could buy a Coke, a candy bar, or a pack of gum for a nickel. How much are these things now? That is inflation and comes from the government spending money they do have. Washington has a printing press and they can print as much money as we will allow. Millions were spent on charging stations, and Ukraine. Many of those appropriations got lost and no one knows what happened to them. Can you imagine if you ran your household like that? You would be bankrupt before long and maybe go off to jail if you got too creative.

Government is different. They can print more money to cover their ass, but that can only last so long before it has to be paid back. Our government is playing with fire because it refuses to tighten its belt and pay down the debt so the dollar will be strong again. After WW11, the Germans had no choice. Their currency was worthless and the pain of very high inflation hit everyone. Eventually, they were able to work their way out of the agony and Germany became a stable government again. This was possible with the guidance of the US, an aggrieved government that did not want to grind the Germans into oblivion.

What can we do to avert the catastrophe? The number one road to recovery is to vote

Republican. It makes no difference what you think of Donald Trump. He has proven that he can turn our economy around and restore us to solvency. The Biden economy is going to turn America into a third-world country. Please get rid of the Soros-funded and controlled prosecutors. Trump needs help from down ticket too. Vote for your senators and congressmen and women who will support Trump's agenda.

In case Trump does not win the presidency we are in for a very hard landing with China driving the bus. You think I am full of s*&t. There are 30,000 Chinese military-age men that Biden has allowed into the country and more are coming. The world has found a dumping ground for their criminals. You can see the results of this policy on television every day. With the Communists in charge, this will only get worse.

Now is the time to plan for the disaster.

  • Food that will keep.

  • Water in bottles.

  • Medicines that will sustain us.

  • Fuel for cooking, and driving.

  • Weapons for protection.

  • Ammunition for protection and barter.

  • Anything that can be used for barter. (What would you want if there were no stores?)

  • Gold and silver.

I am not a prepper but I can see the handwriting on the wall. It can get bad and it is just foolish to not recognize the threat.


1. Staff Writer for Unmuzzeled News, BRICS Growth Challenges US Dollar's Rule! Time to Act is Now!, Political Animal News, June 24, 2024,  

2. Staff Writers for Reuters, What is BRICS, which countries want to join and why?, August 21, 2023,

3. Makena, Annjoy, Edited by Kiguru, John, BRICS Plans Gold-Backed Currency Launch by September: Potential Boost for Bitcoin and XRP, Crypto News Flash, June 15, 2024,



President Donald J. Trump
Presiden Joe Biden
Abe Denise & Leesa Hagen (2)_edited.jpg

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Meet your blogger editor, Abe Glaser. My objective with this blog is to point out some facts that the Main Stream Media leaves out, clear up some misconceptions, and provide some food for thought. You get to decide.


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